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Located in the Shekhawati region of Fatehpur,Rajasthan,Sri Amritnath Ashram is a sacred space and a spectacular place for chanting and meditative saints.The saints and devotees who come there have realizations of spiritual,emotional and mental peace.The calm atmosphere and ambience of the Ashram feels like heaven to the people who go there.Spearheading the Guru Gorakhnath clan,this Ashram belonging to the Mannaathi sect has given countless knowledgeable saints to society.These saints have not only governed this Ashram belonging to the Mannaathi sect but at points in time, have governed all Ashrams even outside of the Mannaathi sect through which constant social welfare work has been done
According to the scriptures and mythology,Lord Shiva had manifested as Guru Gorakhnath to make Yoga popular.And by becoming a teacher of yoga and through his knowledge of nutrition and diet,Guru Gorakhnath worked for the welfare of humanity and took the stunning form of the great monk Sri Amrit Nathji Maharaj;this is what his devotees and followers believe.Sri Amrit Nathji Maharaj lived on the forest for 24 years as he developed the science of yoga and naturopathy by experimenting on his own body.
“When the diet is purified it cleanses the body and mind. The body becomes free of disease and the character as pure as nectar.”
In that order,the immensely worshipped saint Sri Jyoti Nathji Maharaj,yoga guru Sri Shubh Nathji Maharaj,the sea of grace Sri Hanuman Nathji Maharaj and the present head,Mahanta Sri Narhari Nathji Maharaj have kept this tradition of research and exploration alive and through their guidance and teachings,have added happiness and peace to the character of thousands of devotees.Being a virtuous,disciplined,determined and complete believer in Karma Yoga,he has followed the teachings of all his gurus to get rid of the harmful customs and stereotypes among other things.And has brightened up the lives of saints and devotees through the knowledge he has acquired.
The revered saint Baba Shri Shri Amritnathji incarnated on the serene soil of Rajasthan in 1852. Babaji illuminated this world of humanity that had been reeling under the darkness of ignorance with his marvelous miracles and invaluable discourses.
Babaji performed such unimaginable miracles ever since his childhood that people remained dumbfounded by them. By the time Baba attained his youth, people had realized that Babaji was born for the divine cause of relieving the sufferings of many, as well as waking up a sleeping humanity and showing them the correct path of life. The food habits that Babaji adopted during his ascetic and traveling life left people wondering for ever. In the legacy of Yoga, Babaji was the only being after Lord Shiva to consume poison.